1. Germany – Germany set up the KfW Bank, which provides low-interest loans to homeowners and businesses for energy-efficient retrofitting of buildings.
2. Denmark – Denmark’s Energy Efficiency Fund provides financial support for energy-efficient retrofitting projects, including low-interest loans and grants.
3. Sweden – Sweden’s Green Home Premium program provides financial incentives for homeowners to carry out energy-efficient retrofitting in their homes.
4. France – France’s Energy Transition Law requires all public buildings to carry out energy-efficient retrofitting, and also provides financial support for private homeowners to do the same.
5. United Kingdom – The UK’s Green Deal program provides loans for energy-efficient home improvements, such as insulation and energy-efficient lighting.
6. Austria – Austria’s Building Renovation Program provides funding for energy-efficient retrofitting projects, including grants and low-interest loans.
7. United States – The US Department of Energy’s Weatherization Assistance Program provides funding to low-income households for energy-efficient retrofitting, including insulation and weatherization.
8. Belgium – Belgium’s Renovation Passport program provides homeowners with a step-by-step guide to carrying out energy-efficient retrofitting projects, as well as financial incentives for doing so.
9. Switzerland – Switzerland’s Building Energy Efficiency Program provides funding for energy-efficient retrofitting projects in public buildings, including schools and hospitals.
10. Japan – Japan’s Top Runner Program provides incentives for businesses to invest in energy-efficient retrofitting of their buildings, including tax breaks and subsidies.